Dress & Sport Shirts

Dress Shirts

Dress shirts are a necessity of business and social life in Dallas. It’s frustrating to waste time and money on shirts that fit badly, travel poorly, and fall apart too soon. The haberdashers at Ken’s understand these challenges. That's why you'll find only the best shirts from Eton, Hagen, Stenstroms and others here. For all your dress shirt needs, with or without a tie, come to Ken's.

Sport Shirts

Ken says, “every man has to leave the house with a top or bottom.” Kory says, “make that top or bottom be the confident voice that says what you want without opening your mouth.” Eton, Emanuel Berg, Ken’s Silver Label, Hagen, Stenstroms, and BRAX do just that for Dallas men.

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"Amazing! Can’t beat the quality. Why does anyone shop anywhere else?"



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